In Utah - April 2015

12:00 AM

I'm slowly catching up and all of these posts are coming at you out of order. Bear with me and I'll get all caught up! I have a zillion pictures to get off my phone and I'm working on it a few minutes here and there. 

Our family time with the Larson's was shorter than planned. Bruce and Gayle flew in early Saturday morning and headed home as soon as possible after hearing that our sweet Grandpa Bruce had passed away. He hadn't been doing well but he took a turn more quickly than anyone could have anticipated. 

This man is such a special man. Even from the side, you can see his signature smile full of love and kindness. Aunt Jen, his only daughter, phrased what I was feeling for days: 'the best thing about Dad was that even though he was my dad for decades and your grandpa for a few years, I know he loved us the same. Time didn't make any difference for him.'

We love you, J. Bruce Larson.

Let me start at the beginning of the visit.......

NOTE TO SELF: do NOT fly non-stop from London to Las Vegas on Virgin Atlantic. Unless you're into the party plane atmosphere and don't wish to sleep on a 10-hour, transatlantic flight.....
Taylor got this guy sitting next to him. And he didn't like to sit in his seat. He spent 8 1/2 hours of the flight mingling, laughing loudly, and overall just making Taylor insanely uncomfortable.

We happened to be able to fly to Utah for the wedding the night before our cousin Jeremy got married! I got to go down with the family to the sealing in the Provo Utah Temple while Taylor worked from the Salt Lake City office.

A lovely cloudy morning. Just my cuppa tea.

The Gardner family!

The one thing I ever crave from Starbucks that is sadly NOT offered in the UK! :( Caramel Apple Spice!

I surprised my parents by just showing up at their door! I should have taken pictures of their faces. I had visited Utah only a month before so they definitely didn't expect to see me back so soon. I didn't expect to be there either.
We went to get some dinner at Sweeto Burrito. I guess it was their first week in a real-life location as the started in a food truck and got really popular from that food truck scene. Not too shabby! I would NOT recommend the street tacos, but the burritos are really good!
My parents and brother each had a different kind but my mom's smokehouse burrito was definitely the best choice of the day.

The first of a few Larson gatherings. We got to celebrate Jeremy and Janette's marriage!

We ALWAYS take a wedding selfie...

Breakfast with the McClurg's and Peter at the delicious Ruth's Diner up Emigration Canyon. I've had better Eggs Benedict but nothing beats the mile-high biscuits that come with every meal. Ate them so fast I didn't even get a picture. The hash browns are also some of my all time favourites

The J Bruce Larson grandkids participated in a special musical number. My brother-in-law tweaked and rewrote lyrics to 'Hallelujah' that were perfectly perfect for the funeral.

Our cousin Elizabeth was able to fly in from North Carolina. It made it the first time we actually met in person! Aunt Jen is one of my favourites. :)

oohing and aahing over my nephew, because we can't help ourselves...

I mean....

The boys love to play when they're together. It started to rain when they were organising a game of whiffle ball so they did the only logical thing: pull out some slip 'n slides and change into bathing suits so that they could get a really good slide into home!

He's just too cute. And so loved!

Be still, my heart!

These guys sure clean up well. They do the stylish Grandpa Bruce proud.

Grandma Rosie, my sister-in-law Natalie and sweet nephew

Proud grandparents!

It was an exceptional day. I learned so much about Grandpa Bruce, laughed and cried at the stories about him. Overall an unforgettable day to say 'goodbye for now' to the kindest, most loving Grandpa I ever had.

This view runs in my blood. Mount Timpanogos covered in snow. At sunset. Too much beauty!

Taylor and I got to run around throwing an oversized frisbee with my family. If we had been sitting down somewhere, we would have fallen asleep! I think days 3-4 of the 7-hour time difference are the worst. I can skate by the first few days...then the crash.


Kung-fu sister

Silly bunch of ladies, love them

Pink-hair crazy darling

Our last night in Utah, a bunch of the boys came over. We put them to work to make their own dinners (tee hee) Tinfoil dinners in the fire pit! It was a huge hit and delicious.

Catching up around the fire

My best girl and her new husband came to hang out with me! Love any time I get to be with this hilarious girl. Once upon a time we were mission companions for about a minute. ok, ok 5 weeks but it was not nearly enough time. But it was just long enough to know we were MFEO ;)

She is strong, intelligent, beautiful and funny as all get out. I just love her!

Good times with these folks

The Schnauzer. I missed his yoga poses

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