It's already February?!?
11:46 PMAll at once, I can't believe it is halfway through February already and I wish it were over. Haha. School is rough and London is calling our names.
Valentine's day. Usually that would be my perfect excuse for chocolates and romantic comedies. Up until last year, that is.
Taylor loves this holiday. His goal of Valentine's Day 2013 was to convert me.
And he succeeded!
I have to tell the story in another post. My kids and future generations will truly appreciate it. It may even spark some inspiration for readers ;)
But THIS Valentine's day? VD2014 is another one for the record books.
We kinda failed to get up for a romantic breakfast but it turned out to be a tender mercy. I dropped Taylor off on campus for an extra credit thing and headed to the local Einstein's. I love a good bagel in the morning but whose beautiful face did I see the second I walked in? My lovely friend and former roommate Dominique Stay!!! (soon to be Tecklenberg. Might have botched the spelling.) It was meant to be! I just love her to pieces.
When I picked Taylor up, he told me that there was a surprise waiting for me at his brother's place in Provo.
Taylor is really good at secrets and surprises. And I'm extremely trusting.
I had to close my eyes as we walked inside and when I opened them, I was in shock...
A puppy!!! Named Jerry! (Brother named Ben. Ben and Jerry? Talk about cute.)
Taylor had a very happy wife on his hands.
Actually, I was ecstatic on the outside and in high stress mode inside. I was trying to figure out what in the world this meant for our lives.
-We need to potty train him ASAP
-He's so cute and lovable
-Who will take care of him while I'm at school from sun up to sun down?
-Does he have all his shots?
-I think I love him
-Will he do well traveling to london?
-Dog food
-Doggie bed
-He's so adorable
-Do we have to keep the name?
-I LOVE him
-We need carpet cleaner. He pees everywhere.
-Doggie gate?
-I definitely LOVE him
I mean, look at this face!
A happy little addition to the family. Right?
Not even 10 minutes into the charade, Taylor had to break the truth to me:
Jerry was a rental puppy.
'What?' You say? Yes, a rental puppy.
It's actually a pretty neat deal once I had time to think about it. It's a commitment-free, low stress way to play with a puppy for a few hours.
If Taylor had waited any longer to tell me that, I would have cried. Luckily he saw my joy/distress so I was spared total heartbreak and was only majorly disappointed.
I'm still thinking about him though. He was such a precious puppy. He slept in my lap for a while.
We spent a glorious 3 hours with this little guy and we are still talking about plans to have him visit again. With his brother Ben next time :)
Even Nick got in on the fun.
After a guy came to take Jerry back, we headed up to Sundance for the reservations Taylor made in the Tree Room.
Everything was amazing. Out of this world flavor and I loved every bite. It was spectacular dining with palate cleansers between course and everything.
It's hard to shop for Taylor. After long consideration, I settled on these babies.
And wouldn't you know that BYU knew exacty how I wanted to top off the day and end our love-filled day?
Intramural basketball schedule dictated that the whole team and their close and dear ones would have the grand opportunity to sit on the floor in the Richards Building at 9 pm and watch a basketball game.
Our boys. I love these guys, I really do. I'm glad we (wives, girlfriends, family in town for the long weekend) got to go and support them. Another big win for the Bronx Ballers. (Majority of the team is made up of East Coasters). They're undefeated and have one more game before the tournament begins.
All in all, a lovely day. I'm so glad I get to spend every valentine's day and every other holiday with such an amazing man whose love is so precious and priceless to me. We have our great love everyday and this was a special day to just plan for each other.