Quirky London things

1:38 PM

I realize that not all of these things are UK exclusive. But I thought it would be fun to share with those who may not have seen these things before, even if you never wondered about them! haha

It is not uncommon to have these fobs for doors. You press this to a panel near the door to unlock it. A magnetic lock releases and you can pull or push open the door. If you're coming out this magnetic lock door, there will be a button or switch inside that says 'press to release'. I have one for work and home.
And I love this London key chain.

There are quite a few American products available here. However, they take time to cover facts that are questionable/unfounded/they have not tested in the UK.

STAND ON THE RIGHT. People who are in a hurry will plow you down on the left unless you are hugging the right side. Most people say 'excuse me'. Or he/she will glare at you or clear his/her throat loudly to get you to move over.

In order to get a cart (select stores only), you have to put in a pound to release the chain. At the end of your visit, you put the cart back to its cozy home and put the chain back on to retrieve your coin. Ingenious way of not having to chase carts around the whole car park. I experienced this in Argentina, too.

This is not uncommon. Two separate faucets for the hot and cold water. It makes life really interesting. Too hot or too cold? Burn your hands for a second while washing and quickly move over to the cold water to ease the hurt... don't make no sense.

THE TINIEST THEATRES. Seriously. We have seen a total of 2 films in theater since living in London. The first one we were in a small city (Oxford, not that small but its no London

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